Philippe Granger, poète chantant... vous souhaite la bienvenue

Philippe Granger, poète chantant... vous souhaite la bienvenue

where download Lyrical 1.9 on OS X (pkg)

0 appréciations

Description: Akshay Hegde - Lyrical - Home Personal - Music - 9216 KB

Lyrical 1.9

Lyrical displays your iTunes lyrics and various song information like artwork, artist, and song name. It even lets you control the playback, sound, and set ratings for the song, right from the Notification Center! This is incredibly useful if you are using multiple apps and you just don't want to switch to iTunes. You can also choose to view or hide the current song's lyrics. You can toggle lyrics with just a click, and Lyrical will elegantly expand and collapse to fit the song lyrics.

Featured for High Sierra Lyrical-ver-2.9-IXjF.dmg | 10782 KB |

Recomended! version | 9492 KB |

to Mac mini qxPN-v-1.12-Lyrical.dmg | 8386 KB |

Updated version Lyrical.v.1.10.wYZ.pkg | 10506 KB |

for 10.13.6 | 10874 KB |

New! version y6f_version_3.9_lyrical.pkg | 10414 KB |

Akshay Hegde

Featured to High Sierra vers.0.10.201.PhotoRocket.cJ7jqx.dmg [1218 KB] 0.11.161


New High Sierra [7772 KB] 18.0.1

{7557 kb} App Xfb3 Lyrical ver 1.12 3.9 OS X

{7925 kb} Update EASGPY LYRICAL 1.10 1.12 Recomended OS X

{10137 kb} Get ZOFI LYRICAL VER 3.9 1.11 for OS X

{10506 kb} App puMW8u Lyrical ver 1.8.4 1.13 Best MacBook Air

{9031 kb} App LYRICAL VERS 2.9 JW5 1.10 Updated version

{9400 kb} Software vers.1.8.4 Lyrical n8mKa 3.9 Featured High Sierra

{10321 kb} Update Lyrical v 1.10 3HZOzG 1.11 Best High Sierra
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